Friday, November 4, 2016

Getting Settled

So I thought you might like a few pictures of what it looks like around here.  Let's start with my home away from home - number 13 (good thing I am not superstitious)

It's the one on the right.  The path in front of my home looks like this:
and some of the flowers I look at as I walk to work look like this:

The ladies I work with let me take a  picture of them:
They are amazing ladies.  Thanks to Ron Kilius and Superior Medical for the provision of the Dopplers for maternity as well as all the surgical instruments.  These midwives also know their way around an ultrasound machine, and helped me with the processes in the out patient clinic.  I have started to find my way around, and I don't take too many wrong turns.  The size of the hospital is impressive for where we are.  It is sort of a tertiary referral centre for Niger and the surrounding countries. However, it still looks different than the average North American Hospital:

In case you weren't sure you were somewhere warm, there are coconut trees and geckos to clear that up for you.

Anyways, I have to get some real work done, so that is enough for now.  This evening's Movies at the Zoolkoski house are the Andy Griffith Show, followed by the 100 foot journey - looking forward to it!

Matthew 25:40 - And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'


  1. Thanks for posting this. Will enjoy keeping up with you.

  2. Thanks for posting this. Will enjoy keeping up with you.

  3. A fascinating place. I've always wanted to visit Africa, still hoping there might be an opportunity some time to do a short-term missions project there. Didn't realize until today when I caught up on your blog posts that you're there with SIM. Friends are career missionaries with SIM in Ghana, their main focus is marriage. Once again, all the best in your time there. Peggy
