Saturday, November 12, 2016

10k then 3k

I went for a 10k run this morning, and walked the last 250 metres because I was starting to feel the heat. I had thought the fun run today was in the afternoon for some reason (don't know why, maybe because a lot of things happen after work), but no, it was at 0800. So take a break for about an hour and run another 3k. That was a bit too much I think. I had to sit down a couple of times on rounds after that and then went home and drank a bunch of water and took a nap. But I am back now, and ready to move along.

It is a bit different with call here. There is no other Obstetrician, so if I don't do rounds on the weekend, the midwives have to do it themselves. Not too bad really, the load isn't that heavy, and I came to work anyways, so happy to help. I have also told the surgeons that I will do Cesareans even if I am not on call, as their work load is huge. Thursday there were 2 big MVAs in the middle of the night, and Galmi got 18 patients, many of them with multiple fractures etc. There is an orthopaedic surgeon here right now and he has been very busy!

I was thinking it was well overdue for me to talk about some of the other support staff around here. This is a real hospital, and it needs all the things a hospital at home needs. We have Nurses and Pharmacists, Administrators and IT, Maintenance and Construction, to name just a few of the jobs. There are lots of ways to help out here, and I would encourage others to consider it.

Christopher Zoolkowski who is one of the long term doctors here, was going in to the “City” so I went along for the ride and had a view of life outside the compound. It is busy and dusty with lots of
mud walled shops selling everything you can imagine (and maybe some things you can't). There were lots of livestock going through the streets as well, as you might expect in such a place. We met his favourite baker who has a firewood oven, a local shop selling soda (or pop) in anticipation of the hot work of emptying the pharmacy shipment that is coming next week,
and the local SIM card guy. I also had a chance to see where the call to prayers is coming from.

Once back home it was off to worship band practice. We did finally find 4 songs that we all new, but there will be a second practice before the service to hammer out the rest. and then a quiet dinner. Tomorrow I am on call, so I will not be going to the morning service in the city, however I hope to be able to play flute and not get called away for the evening service. I am hoping to go to the Galmi Church next week.

Psalm 119:32

I will run in the way of your commandments when you enlarge my heart!

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