Saturday, November 5, 2016

10 K run on the air strip

So I decided to get up early today and go for a run. The air strip is a few steps away from my cabin, and it is fenced off on all 4 sides, so it is a good place for a run. It gets light around 6:15 and it cools slightly overnight (probably down to the low 20's) so it's a good time to go running. The fenced in area is 900m so it takes a few laps to get 10k in.
Later I went and did rounds. Today I was faced with another sad reality of this type of medicine. The lady that I did the cesarean on yesterday – her baby died last night. I didn't find out until I did rounds the next morning (today). No one seems to know why exactly. The little girl came out screaming, and the apgars were 8 & 10. I was surprised and saddened. The mother is doing well however.

They also don't have a pediatrician here, and they definitely don't have a neonatologist, so when a lady came in with her 10 day old baby that only weighed 3 pounds, they called me for advice. This is definitely out of my comfort zone, but we are doing the best we can.

Today is Saturday so there is no outpatient clinic. I may be able to go around and get a few more pictures.

Really Fresh Mangoes
I can also catch up on reading all their protocols. Internet speed here is about the same as what dial up would have been back at home. They do have a satellite link, but it is spread throughout the whole hospital and all the homes, so the bandwidth is very limited. No streaming of any kind :). That just means it takes a long time to upload any pictures for the blog.

So the community at Galmi has gone over and above hosting me for the last few days, but today it was finally time for me to start cooking for myself. I had rice and eggs and lots of vegetables, so I was not starving by any means. The pots are an assortment with lids that almost fit. It is also a gas range, so getting the temperature just right was a bit tricky. None the less it all worked out.

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying following along on your journey. Thanks for sharing!
